The Western Australian Birds of Prey Centre gives you an opportunity to learn about birds of prey and see them up close and personal.

The Western Australian Birds of Prey Centre has been established since 2004. The centres primary aim is to rehabilitate Birds of Prey and out of a necessity education displays evolved to give this special group of birds a voice. Yvonne Sitko, the owner of the centre has been rehabilitating raptors since 2000 and works under the 2019 WA Rehabilitation Code of Practise set down by the Department of Biodiversity’s, Conservation and Attractions.

Some sick or injured birds are unable to be released back into the wild. Depending on the bird’s personality, they might join my flight display.
The displays educate people about the importance of conserving the natural habitat for birds of prey. The birds demonstrate a lot of their natural behaviours through flight and feeding.

Round 4: West Coast Eagles v Hawthorn, Patterson Stadium. Saturday 21 April, 2012. (Photo: Stefan Gosatti/West Coast Eagles)
Round 4: West Coast Eagles v Hawthorn, Patterson Stadium. Saturday 21 April, 2012. (Photo: Stefan Gosatti/West Coast Eagles)


Recently Auzzie, a young and very proud Wedgetail Eagle, has been flying free at the Optus Stadium with the West Coast Eagles. Auzzie is a great ambassador for Wedgetails and birds of prey in general. It was not that long ago that Wedgetails were shot. So it is great to have Auzzie educating West Australians about conservation and habitat preservation.

Schools Programme
The WA Birds of Prey can visit your school in Perth and surrounding suburbs. And periodically we do regional visits. Please get in touch for more information about available dates and costs.

The WA Birds of Prey can visit your Community in Perth and surrounding suburbs. And periodically we do regional visits. Please get in touch for more information about available dates and costs.

Handling Courses
Working in association with many governing bodies I am able to run a seminar about caring for rescued Birds of Prey. For more details please contact me.
Got a question about Birds of Prey.

Meet the team from WA Birds of Prey.

Oska – Barking Owl
Scientific Name: Ninox connivens
Oska is famous for entertaining the crowd with his bark. The ‘ wuf wuf’, sounds very much like a dog. Watch out for his head rotation and grumpy face.
Oska was born in captivity at Eagles Heritage in October 2005 and passed onto the Western Australian birds of Prey Centre for educaitonal displays.
Nicknamed the ‘Winking Owl’ and Oska always winks with his left eye.
Oska was my closest and dearest bird friend. The enjoyment that we had entertaining people for over a decade was a privilege to myself and those who become a part of Oska’s life. Thank you Oska for making this world a better place you are dearly missed.


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